Thursday, October 21, 2010

Pumpkin Cupcakes!

It's my favorite time of the year!!

It's the time that the clouds come rolling in (and thankfully, the bi-polar state of California has been getting lots of these this last week) and you are able to drink hot chocolate and curl up in blankets on the couch while your favorite movie plays on the tv.

There is only missing one thing.... something tasty to eat!!!

**enter pumpkin cupcakes**

I found a pumpkin cupcakes recipe online and just had to try it out. It amazingly doesn't take very much pumpkin puree so I had a TON leftover. You can see how you used that in the next post :)

The frosting actually didn't turn out the way I thought it was, but I think this one complimented the cupcake so much better. I took them to church with me last night to get some free taste testing and people seemed to enjoy them. If you're reading this and you had one of these cupcakes please let me know what you thought.

I sat down with some hot chocolate and my tummy was extremely happy!!

Monday, October 18, 2010

A day in the life of an (amateur) baker...

Going along with my last post on baking and selling holiday baked goods.I wanted to explore the world of baking from complete scratch.
Just admitting this is a bit embarrassing for me. I'm not sure why. But I feel like I've stepped up a level just by saying that I bake everything from scratch.
Anyways... I started with something simple. Just chocolate cupcakes with a buttercream frosting. I'm not entirely sure what happened, But they came out more like brownies. The smell was DELICIOUS and they tasted good, but for some reason the consistency was not right.
Oh well. It looks like I will have to try again. I did take pictures so I'm posting them here. I'll be trying something new this week. Check back in to take a look.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

To Bake or Not To Bake?

This is the question...

So with the greatest holidays (in my opinion) coming very soon, I've been throwing around the idea of baking a variety of holidays sweets and selling them.

Maybe some cupcakes, cheesecakes, and muffins in a different holidays flavors like pumpkin, cinnamon, chocolate or peppermint. I haven't really thought it all through yet, but I know there are tons of ideas.

So I
want to know what YOU think!?

Would this be something you would be interested in? Most of you that know me, know that I LOVE to bake, so even if things don't sell much, I know I will enjoy baking and just watching people eat it all. I can truly say that is my strongest passion, aside from my music.

Let me know what you think, and any ideas that you would like to taste :)

Love you all!

P.s. the photos to the right are not my own creations. The Christmas Cupcakes (top right) come from and the cute little pie cupcakes (bottom right) come from