Saturday, August 22, 2009

All My Delight is in You Lord...

So I've officially been here a week..... I wanted to try to get a blog out way sooner than this...but I really felt like God was telling me to wait. I really felt God saying that I needed to be out here for a little bit before he could really speak to me. 

I can tell you that this week has been hard. God has literally brought me to a place of being by myself. I've spent the week pretty much in my room. I've been missing home and my friends and my family. I've been insanely bored and feeling kind of depressed. I've never been at a point in my life where I did not have any friends or anyone constantly in my life. 

I went to the young adults ministry last night, called theMILL. I walked in and sat all by myself. We had an amazing time of worship! We sang a song called, "You Are For Me" by Kari Jobe. The chorus says this, 

"I know that You are for me
I know that You are for me
I know that You will never forsake me in my weakness
I know that You have come down
Even if to write upon my heart
To remind me of who you are".

This song really spoke to me. I have felt very weak since I have been in Colorado. I was letting Satan tell me that I wasn't good enough. I was forgetting for an instant, who my God was. Everything that he has done for me, and provided me with. A year ago, I would have never guessed that I would actually be here, getting ready for school in two weeks. He has done some amazing things in me. 

And this song reminded me of that. 

"I know that you will never forsake me in my weakness"

God is amazing and I have a feeling that he is going to continue to reveal himself to me in the next 10 months. I can't wait. 

My prayer for you, would be the same thing. That wherever, whenever and whatever you are going through, that he will reveal himself to you in some way. 

I know that my correspondence has been lacking a little this week, and I do apologize for that. Please know that I love all of you. Thank you so much for your prayers and all of your support. You have no idea how much I appreciate it. 

Please pray for me tomorrow. I will hopefully be meeting some girls that are going to school with me this year. Please pray that his anointing will be on all of us as we get to know each other. I know that there are still some girls arriving to Colorado this week. I know one specifically will be saying "see ya later" to her family and boyfriend tomorrow. Please pray that the transition for her will be easy. 

I love you all....


Tuesday, August 4, 2009

One Week, Two Days...and It's all falling into place....

And...the countdown begins!

I've got exactly 10 days till I leave. I'm so happy to finally say that I have an address in Colorado Springs!! I found a GREAT place that is cheap and close to school (which by the way if you check out my last blog, is what I prayed for :)

I also (finally!) received my enrollment packet from school (It was sent back after going to my old address) Now I know what classes I will be taking and when. I know what books I'll be needing and I know what orientation week is going to look like. (I will be BU-SY!)

Now I can start packing (Again!) and getting all my stuff ready to leave.

You know, everyweek God has proven that he is faithful. One thing that I was a little worried about was not knowing anyone at the school or in the whole state! I know that most of you that know me, know that I'm pretty outgoing, and definetely not shy. But what you don't know is that I'm not like that with new people. I'm actually not very sociable! I used to be one of those kids in kindergarten who just like to sit in a corner and play alone. I was like that all the up through junior high and high school and even college when I started! I've been praying that God would allow me to be sociable. That I wouldn't go the entire 10 months and just keep to myself. That I would make friends and have fun.

And wouldn't you know God came through. In the enrollment packet from school, I was given a few names of other girls who are looking for places to live, and I emailed a few of them just checking out roomates and that has started the process of getting to know each other. I've been able to e-mail back and forth with a few and even find them on facebook. It's a great time that we can share as we all are having the same feelings about moving to a new city on our own for the first time.
With everyday, I'm getting more and more excited about going. I know that God has some amazing things planned for me and for the other students as well.

Thank you guys for ALL of your support. Most of you reading this, are my church family and you guys don't know how much I appreciate all the love and support that you guys have given me. You truly are apart of my family, and have all helped mold me into the person that I am now. I thank God everyday that I have people like you in my life and I pray that God will bless you in everything that you do.

I want to try to get one more blog in before I leave. But I do have a ton of stuff going on. If I don't post another before then, I apologize. If there are some who I don't get to see before I leave, I apologize!! Please know that I will miss you and with technology these days I'm easy to get a hold of!! :)