Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Technically, this is two posts, two days in a row. But since it just turned midnight... it's more like two posts in ONE day!! Whoa... look at me go.

24 has already been a great age for me! I've re-discovered that my God is an amazing God.
Not only did he remind me ALL day long that I have some great people in my life. He also gave me the ultimate present that I have been praying, asking,..... shoot, begging for since June.

Wait for it.......

Waaaaaaaait for it.


Good Lord, you have no idea how long I have been waiting to say that! I officially start tomorrow as a Recreation Leader for The STAR program through the City of Paramount. This is definitely a place where God is going to stretch me!!! I'm super excited and I will try to keep you updated as much as I can on how it's going.

For now, just pray with me while I start this job. Pray that I will be a light that shines Jesus soooo much people have to wear some sunglasses!!

Did I just say that?

Sorry, it's late.

I end this post, and my night with a book and warm blanket.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Birthday Reminders

It's 8am.. and I already have 28 people on facebook telling me happy birthday.

Seriously, this was unexpected. I've been so focused on the fact that I don't have many friends in my life. That I need to be sociable. (I still do, I haven't forgotten that) But leave it to God to use my birthday to show me that while I may not speak to these people every single day, I still have people in my life who love me. People, who if needed would be there for me in a heartbeat.

Just a reminder that it's not about the quantity of people you have in your life. It's about the quality of people in your life.

bonne fĂȘte - French for 'Happy Birthday